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MOT Data Trends

MOT Data Trends is a collection of reports built with Power BI, using public data available from the government.
Our goal is to build a tool that will provide insights from the data that are useful to everyone in the motor industry. 



These reports are currently in beta. The data, calculations, or visualisations may be incorrect. 

The reports are based on 2021 MOT data.


Regional MOT Data

View the quantity of MOT Tests, Pass Rates and Initial Fail Rates by Country and Region for MOT tests in 2021

Regional Data - 1.png
Failure Rate by Region.png
MOT Tests Year on Year 2019, 2020, 2021

View the quantity of MOT Tests Year on Year and the recovery from the COVID MOT extension

MOT Tests by Registration Year and Fuel Type

View the quantity of MOT Tests by the year a vehicle was registered split into fuel types for MOT Tests in 2021

MOTs by Fuel Type 2.png
MOTs by Fuel Type 1.png
Average Mileage & MOT Failure Rates

View the Average Mile and Failure Rates of vehicles by Registration year for MOT Tests in 2021

Failure rate by reg.png
Mileage Data - 1.png
Regional Electric Vehicle MOT Data

View the quantity of MOT Tests, Pass Rates and Initial Fail Rates for Electric Vehicles for MOT Tests in 2021

EV Data - 1.png

This report is filtered to Makes with over 100+ MOT Tests per year

Fuel Type Failure Rates by Registration Year

View the Initial Failure Rates by Fuel Type and Registration Year for MOT Tests in 2021

Initial Failure Rate - 1.png
MOT Failure Rate by Quarter, Month & Day

View the MOT failure rate for 2021 by Quater, Month and Week Day

Failure rates by Quater.png
Periods - 1.png
Failure rate by week day.png
Engine Cylinder Capacity by Year

View the reduction in the average engine cylinder capacity by registration year for MOT Tests in 2021

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MOT Failure Rate by Vehicle Colour

View the failure rates, average mileage and average CC by vehicle colour for MOT Tests in 2021

Colour - 1.png
MOT Item Failures by Item Set

View the item failure % of overall defects for MOT Tests in 2021

Item Sets.png
Falure Items.png

MOT Item Failures by % of tests

View the likelihood of an MOT failing with at least one of the failure items below. 

Item Trends - 1.png
Quantity of MOT Stations by Town and Trading Name

View the top 20 towns and companies (Trading Name registered wth DVSA) by MOT Stations Quantity

MOT Stations.png
Trading Names.png
Stations Pie Chart.png
Time to discover your own trends.

Access the reporting suite for yourself, free of charge. 


Optimised for Desktop

All of the above is just an example of the reports that our MOT Data Insights can produce. Access the full report suite to filter the data however you need. 


The best experience will be on a desktop, laptop, or large tablet. 

The reports will be updated when the government releases the latest MOT data.  

There may be a slight variance between the data in the images above and from the suite as the data improves


Data Source: MOT testing data for Great Britain | Anonymised MOT tests and results

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